This is the homepage of fr33man. I will collect and post information here that I find useful in the study and practice of protecting one's privacy, identity, freedom, soverignty, liberty, property, family, religion, wealth, and computers.

If you have to ask who these things need protecting from then you probably don't belong here. Or you see little wrong with the way that the USA is being run. On the other hand, if you fit into either of these categories then you are just the type of person that needs to be educated. Please take the time to follow my links and read everything found therein. However, this site is intended for those seeking such information and serves as a central repository of links collected over time.

It has taken considerable time locating, reviewing, and studying the information below. I try to organize them by topic. I also regularly check that the material I'm linking to is still live. Please let me know if you find any broken links.

Please email me if you have useful information that's not already on this list but you think should be. I'll be happy to include links to any and all similar content.
